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Saved by IvanSusanin
on August 1, 2013 at 1:58:47 pm



  • To involve the film buff in an intelligent conversation with a developing audience on the Net. To provide fringe film makers with succor and a platform to promote their art. To take movies to the rooftop, where the hierarchy is flat and the spirit high.


What is a Roof-Top Film Festival


Roof-Top film Fest (RTFF) is a film festival born out of the desire to provide a platform for people to enjoy movies and share their criticism in an open environment. An intense atmosphere will be created for the screening of the films and the discussions that follow. The Roof-Top Film Fest will focus on independent films, short films, cult movies and films that changed the way we looked at cinema.


RTFF is an open-to-all many-times-a-year, anytime-in-a-year event for cinephiles to camp out for a couple days.


The event will be free or close to free. But there's a catch! campers are expected to pitch in their bit for the event. Online Payment Gateway

"Active participation" from everyone is expected. This might mean any of the following, help us in organizing the event or arranging snacks. You can also think up of novel ways to help us. You can also lend equipment,provide a rooftop and help with the screening. You can also help us by blogging and podcasting about the event. roulette online


This is unlike any film festival you have been to before. It's informal, it's different and it's your very own film festival. Anyone with something to contribute or craving to take part in the fervent discussion that follow is invited to join. When you come, be prepared to share  Bosendorfer Prices with campers. When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world.  Web Analytics Consulting




Media Coverage



Organize a RTFF





Contact us if you have any questions or want to participate. Let us know if you’re hosting your own. RTFF is about support as much as it is about information.


web: http://rtff.pbwiki.com/


email: rooftop.filmfest@gmail.com


mailing list: Coming soon (do we need one???)






Check the FrequentlyAskedQuestions list for more clarity on the RTFF concept.


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